HELMET REPLICA EMERSON MICH 2000HELMET REPLICA EMERSON MICH 2000, made of high-strength ABS plastic, suitable for simulations and parades. It has internal adjustable fastening straps and internal pads for perfect and comfortable fit on the head. Ideal for anyone who needs a lightweight helmet replic..
The Emerson High Speed Helmet is a lightweight, fully adjustable helmet perfect for just about any Airsoft Applications. The lightweight design means that you will grow less fatigued from carrying a helmet on your head and still retain the same amount of protection necessary for high intensity Airso..
ΙΜΑΝΤΕΣ ΚΡΑΝΟΥΣ-ΥΠΟΣΙΑΓΩΝΟ FMA GENERAL SUSPENSION,συμβατό με όλα τα κράνοι τύπου MICH 2000, 2002, PASGT. Τοποθετείτε εύκολα σε όλα τα κράνη και βελτιώνει την στήριξη και την εφαρμογή του κράνους...
FMA KEVLAR Η NAPE MICH 2000-2002, PASGTFMA KEVLAR Η NAPE MICH 2000-2002, PASGT, suitable for all KEVLAR, MICH 2000-2002, PASGT helmets. Easily mounted inside the helmet, replacing the classic headband straps and improving the application of the helmet to the head making it softer...